Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spicy Red Jello

(This Jello always has a place at the VanderWilt Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner table!)

1 small pkg red Jello (cherry, strawberry, black cherry)
1/2 cup cinnamon red hots
1 cup hot water
1- 1/2 cup ice cold water (amount depends on thickness of applesauce-if unsure, use 1/2 c.)
1 cup applesauce

Melt red hots in hot water; stir on low heat until completely dissolved. Remove from heat; add jello; stir until dissolved. Add ice cold water and applesauce. (Best to use Mott’s, Musselman’s or better brand as less expensive applesauce tends to be more watery causing the jello not to set firmly). Pour in glass bowl chill until firm in refrigerator 4-6 hours or overnight. Recipe can easily be doubled using the larger pkg of Jello.

Cinnamon red hot candies can be difficult to find - I used to find them in bags in the candy section of the grocery store, but more recently can only find in small bottles in the cake decorating section :(

-Candie VanderWilt

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